
On this page you will find descriptions of all the major departments within the Village of West Milwaukee.

Administration: The primary duty of the Village Administrator is to assure that Village services are performed in accordance with Board of Trustee policies and within the capability of the Village’s resources.

Assessor: The Village of West Milwaukee contracts with Associated Appraisal for assessment services, and they are responsible for setting the value of all property within the Village for the purpose of determining the taxable value of real and personal property, upon which is levied property taxes for all taxing jurisdictions.

Clerk’s Department: The Village Clerk’s Department oversees elections and licensing. 

Courts: The Municipal Court acts on violations of municipal ordinances, or on a violation of a resolution or bylaw if authorized by statute. Court action is a civil action, and the forfeiture or penalty imposed by any ordinance of the municipality may be collected in an action in the name of the municipality.

Fire Department: The Village contracts with the City of Milwaukee for fire services.

Health Department: The Village contracts with the City of West Allis for our Health Department and provides a variety of programs and services to meet the mission to protect and promote the health of all members of the West Allis/West Milwaukee communities.

Inspections/Permitting: The Village currently contracts with Safebuilt to enforce the of State and local building codes, we strive to provide a safe living and working environment, as well as maintaining the Village’s property values through enforcement of zoning regulations.

Library: The Village of West Milwaukee is part of the Milwaukee County Federated Library System (MCFLS), which is a public library organization that coordinates activities between its member public libraries and collectively serve the Milwaukee metropolitan area.

Police Department: The people of the West Milwaukee Police Department are proud to serve the residents, businesses and the thousands of visitors to our Village each day.

Property Maintenance Department: The Property Maintenance Department is responsible for local laws and codes, for the purpose of securing the public safety, health, and general welfare. The local laws include the Village of West Milwaukee Municipal Code.

Public Works: The goal of the Department of Public Works is to care for the public investment in infrastructure and equipment, and support property owners, in a proactive and efficient manner.