Village President John Stalewski
A Message from the Village President
Welcome to the Village of West Milwaukee. I am honored to be elected to serve as your Village President. I have been a Village Trustee since 2009, and prior to that served on the Village Plan Commission.
The accomplishments with the redevelopment on Miller Park Way and other positives in the Village all come from the cooperative effort of our staff, Village Board, and the citizen commissioners who serve on our Plan Commission and West Milwaukee Community Development Authority (WMCDA). These commission and committee appointments, and others, are a vital component of local governance. If you are curious about becoming a part of the process, please give me a call.
The Village of West Milwaukee is a safe, walkable community located in the heart of Milwaukee County. With pleasant neighborhoods, schools, churches, and green spaces balanced by commercial and industrial employment, and an incredible commercial shopping and dining district on Miller Park Way.
The location of our Village really is a key factor in the desire to be in our Village. We are located near the geographical center of Milwaukee County which offers outstanding convenience for residents, businesses, and visitors.
West Milwaukee is a great place to live and do business. We welcome visitors to come and see what we are all about.
John Stalewski
Village President
Village Board of Trustees
Jane Edgar
Jane Edgar was first elected to the Village Board in 2017 after serving several years on the Village Plan Commission. Jane and her husband, Jim, moved to West Milwaukee in 1992 and purchased their first home in 2000. Son, James, was well served at Pershing Elementary, West Milwaukee Intermediate School and Central High School and Jane was president of the PTA for several years.
“I enjoy living in West Milwaukee because of the casual, friendly atmosphere and number of great neighbors and friends I see on a daily basis,” she says. Hers is a particularly active neighborhood with Jane and friends initiating a large 53rd Street garage sale several years ago with over 20 families joining. When 53rd Street was under construction, the neighbors took advantage of the lack of cars to throw a block party with grills, games and a good time right in the middle of the street.
“West Milwaukee is a great community with ready access to all of Milwaukee County and the rest of Wisconsin with such closeness to the interstate and county highways.” With West Milwaukee being just 1 square mile, Jane appreciates how many businesses, restaurants, stores and establishments are just around the corner. Jane serves as chairperson of the Health, Housing, Social Services and Recreation Committee of the Village Board (which puts her on the Board of Health); and is also on the Public Works, Recycling and Utilities Committee; and the Licenses, Zoning, Parks and Buildings Committee. She also serves on the new Tourism Commission. Areas of concern for Jane include public safety, health, and education. Jane strives to serve as the female voice, being the only woman currently serving on the Board. She wishes more women would get involved in local politics. There are current openings!
Jane reads a lot, walks outdoors 4 miles every day and enjoys old movies and needlework.
Dominic Greenfield
My name is Dominic Greenfield and have served the Village of West Milwaukee in varying capacities, since 2013. I was elected as a Village Trustee in 2021, after previously serving on the Police Commission, and for a brief while on the Community Development Authority. My family has been a part of West Milwaukee since 2006, having both children attend Pershing Elementary and West Milwaukee Intermediate Schools. As I learn more about the history of our Village, it is apparent that we have wonderful opportunities to provide an enriching experience for families to raise their children. It is my hope that we are able to address the challenges we face specific to the Miller Parkway corridor, ensuring proper conversion and usage of industrial properties, maintaining safe streets and neighborhoods, and ensuring a strong environment to provides for our citizens. I am excited to be working with the rest of the Village Board and Staff well into the Village’s next century. Thank you for the honor of serving you and our community!
Todd Hill
Todd Hill has been serving on the Village Board since 2018.
John Ragonese
I was first elected to the Village Board in 1993 during a recall election. I was not on the board for a few years but, returned in 2011. I have served at different times on the CDA, Plan Commission and currently Chair the West Milwaukee Tourism Board. I am chair of the Finance Committee, serve on the Public Safety and Personnel Committees, and am also the President pro tem. I can see the potential the Village has to be a truly unique and special place. Things can change quickly, and we are on the verge of some major changes. I want to be a part of that for the betterment of all the citizens here. To know that I can help make all that a reality is exciting! Some of the biggest issues the Village faces is maintaining the level of services we have, improving our public safety and doing so without raising taxes. As difficult as it has been, the Village has been able to maintain a lot of its small-town atmosphere. What I love most about West Milwaukee is that the people are still friendly and it’s not difficult to get to know your neighbors. The services are great, and the location is the best in the county. I can be anywhere in about 15 min. The people who work for the Village are very helpful and we maintain a very open board where citizens are always welcomed to come and say what’s on their minds. The potential for the Village is truly outstanding. When I was first elected there were so many issues to contend with including a Board that was divided, financial issues that led us to the brink of bankruptcy and no developers wanting anything to do with us. Today, that has come full circle and the Village now has some of the most sought-after real estate in the State. It comes at a price however, and to be honest some mistakes were made in getting here. However, I feel the Village can move forward now from a position of strength it did not have in the past and avoid mistakes that were previously made. I think I can be a positive force in making that future by working alongside the other board members and staff.
Craig Schaefer
Craig Schaefer has been serving on the Village Board since 2016.
Steve Schuettke
Hello residents of the Village my name is Steve Schuettke and I have been your neighbor since June of 1992, my how the time has flown by. My wife Karen and I have raised our 2 boys in the Village and were busy with all the extra curriculars as they moved from Pershing Elementary to West Milwaukee Middle School (now W.M. Intermediate School) and then off to graduate from West Allis Central. I have been an integral part of many of your children’s lives through the years as they participated in their school and extracurricular activities from K4 to graduation at one of our High Schools. I have served as a field trip or dance chaperone, member of the Booster Club, key roles with the WAWM Wrestling Club, volunteer opportunities whenever presented, not to mention all the safe rides home for many over the years.
My wife and I immediately felt ‘at home’ when we moved into the Village 30 years ago and I want to make sure other people can continue to share the same feeling as they reside in the Village. I have served on the Village Board as a Trustee since June of 2017, a break of about 5 months of service mixed in there somewhere along the way, as well as serving as a Commissioner for the West Milwaukee Community Development Authority. I am the Chair for the Public Safety and Emergency Government Committee as well as a member of the Public Works, Recycling and Utilities Committee and the Personnel and Publicity Committee. I have seen many changes in the Village over the years and not all have been for the better. I think back to what 43rd Street looked like back in 1992 to what it has morphed into now, it has really put the Village of West Milwaukee on the map. Though the Miller Park Way corridor of businesses has many draws for visitors outside the Village it has also presented plenty of continuing challenges for our Department of Public Works as well as Police Department. The cost of maintaining the level of services provided to the residence and our business partners throughout the Village is a constant battle with budgetary restrictions and the desire of the board to keep property taxes at a manageable rate. As the Village continues to see growth and development, it is imperative that strong leadership and big picture thinking is an important part of Board membership, and my hope is to continue to bring those values to the seat I hold on the Village Board. There is a lot of work to be done to keep the Village on a positive path for a strong future and continued growth.
In closing I would like to invite you to attend a Village Board meeting held every first and third Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the Community Centre on the corner of 47th and Greenfield Avenue. If you see me on one of my nightly walks through the Village with our chocolate lab Lily, feel free to honk and wave, stop me for a quick chat or just to say ‘Hi’, to share a concern you may have regarding something going on in the Village or would like to commend one of our dedicated departments or staff who work tirelessly to continue to make the Village of West Milwaukee a great place to live.
Village Board Committees
Finance, Claims and Purchases Committee
- Chairperson John Ragonese
- Commissioner Dominic Greenfield
- Commissioner Todd Hill
Public Safety and Emergency Government
- Chairperson Steve Schuettke
- Commissioner Craig Schaefer
- Commissioner John Ragonese
Public Works, Recycling and Utilities Committee
- Chairperson Dominic Greenfield
- Commissioner Jane Edgar
- Commissioner Steve Schuettke
Licenses, Zoning, Parks and Buildings Committee
- Chairperson Craig Schaefer
- Commissioner Dominic Greenfield
- Commissioner Jane Edgar
Health, Housing, Social Services and Recreation Committee
- Chairperson Jane Edgar
- Commissioner Craig Schaefer
- Commissioner Todd Hill
Personnel and Publicity Committee
- Chairperson Todd Hill
- Commissioner John Ragonese
- Commissioner Steve Schuettke
Legislative Committee
- Chairperson John Stalewski
- All Village Board Members
General Resources: