Sec. 90-80. – Mowing. It shall be the duty of every person or organization to mow or cause to be mowed upon property so owned or occupied all grasses exceeding six inches in height.
Sec. 90-81. – Notice. The weed commissioner shall investigate concerning properties containing grasses that exceed six inches in height. The weed commissioner shall give the person or organization a five day notice by ordinary mail to mow the property.
Sec. 90-82. – Village mowing. If, the person or organization has not mowed before the five day notice deadline has expired, the village shall mow the property.
Sec. 90-83. – Charges for mowing. The weed commissioner shall keep accurate records of time and expenses incurred to be charged to each parcel of real estate upon which grass was mowed. The clerk shall enter upon the tax roll to each tract of land the amount chargeable to that tract for the grass mowing under a column entitled “for grass mowing”, as a tax, which tax shall be collected as other taxes, except those lands which are exempt from taxation.
Grass Cutting