Emergency Order #3 in Effect

Indoor public gatherings limited to 25% capacity

Dear West Milwaukee Business Owner,

The Village of West Milwaukee and City of West Allis Health Department would like to help support you as you prepare to limit capacity, adjust your services, or evaluate your business practices in response to the new Emergency Order.  Your business is a valued part of our community, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call 414-302-8600 or email our general COVID business email address at COVIDBusiness@westalliswi.gov.

Overview of Order
On 10/6/2020, Governor Evers directed Wisconsin Department of Health Services to issue Emergency Order #3: Limiting Public Gatherings.  See Frequently Asked Questions.

Wisconsin is now a COVID-19 hotspot.  It had the third highest number of new cases in the past seven days, with only California and Texas having more new cases.  Wisconsin must use all its tools, including keeping people physically apart and wearing face coverings, to slow this dangerous spike.

**In places that are open to the public: 
Indoor public gatherings are limited to NO MORE than 25% of the total occupancy limits for the room or building.  This directive is enforceable by civil forfeiture.

**Exemptions to these limits include: 

  • 4k-12 schools, colleges, universities
  • child care settings
  • health care facilities
  • human services facilities
  • public infrastructure (such as food production)
  • federal, state, and local government
  • places of religious worship
  • rallies or demonstrations as protected by the First Amendment.

The order went into effect at 8:00 am on Thursday, October 8 and will remain in effect for two incubation periods (the incubation period for COVID-19, which is the time between exposure to the virus and symptom onset, is on average 5-6 days, however, can be up to 14 days according to the World Health Organization) of COVID-19, which will end November 6, 2020.

Information for Businesses
This order does not shut down anything.  Instead, it just prevents situations where there are too many people in a single indoor public space at one time. For businesses, the order only applies to indoor spaces that are accessible to the public, such stores, bars, restaurants, and office lobbies. This order does not apply to a business’s outdoor space, such as patios or outdoor dining areas.

This order also does not apply to a business’s indoor space if the indoor space is not accessible to the public.  For example, most factories, warehouses, storage areas, office areas because they are only accessible to employees or allowed guests.


Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation 

  • COVID-19 Resources for small businesses
  • COVID-19 Loan Program

Wisconsin Small Business Development Center

  • Navigating the New Normal Guide
  • We’re All Innovating Contest
  • SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Assistance

We’re All In Small Business Grant – Phase 2

  • Applications Open Monday, October 19th, 2020
  • Governor Evers announced additional funding on 10/6/20, which includes an additional $50 million for “We’re All In Grants” an economic development grant program launched by Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) this summer.

More than 26,000 businesses received “We’re all In Grants” statewide, but many continue to face economic challenges from the pandemic.

COVID Reminders
You are a leader in your own circle and your business and can lead by example:

  • Wash your hands
  • Wear your mask
  • Watch your distance from others (keep six feet apart)
  • If you have symptoms or have been exposed, get tested- and be sure to quarantine (stay home) while waiting for your results, or as directed by your local public health department.
  • Get your flu shot to help reduce the strain on the healthcare systems responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • The West Allis Health Department is offering three drive-thru flu clinics to the public. Information can be found here.

Bob Leischow, MPH Health Commissioner

Emergency Order #3 in Effect