Police Officer Position Opening

The West Milwaukee Police Department is hiring for Entry Level Police Officer or Lateral Entry Police Officer Positions. To apply, please complete and return the following documents by Monday, September 27, 2021, at 5:00 p.m:

WMPD Application

WM Authorization for Release of Information

Confidential Information Agreement

This hiring application requires the applicant to be eligible to enroll in a LESB-approved academy, or have successfully completed or currently attending an approved LESB basic recruit academy. Lateral Entry must have current certification. 

Completed applications with all required materials must be received at the West Milwaukee Police Department at 4755 W. Beloit Rd., West Milwaukee, WI 53214. Incomplete applications will be rejected. All application material and/or questions should be sent to the attention of Sergeant Anthony Munoz anthony.munoz@westmilwaukee.org or Assistant Chief Shaundra Randolph at shaundra.randolph@westmilwaukee.org or by phone at (414) 645-2151.

Police Officer Position Opening