The Village of West Milwaukee is accepting applications from Village residents for a vacant Trustee position with the term ending April 2024. 17.24 Vacancies in village offices. (1) Except as provided in s. 9.10, a vacancy in any elective village office may be filled by appointment by a majority of the members of the village board for the residue of the unexpired term or until a special election is held under s. 8.50 (4) (fm) or sub. (2).
The Board of Trustees has elected to appoint a successor Trustee, and the application deadline is Friday, December 17, 2021, at 4:30 pm. The Village Board will meet following the application deadline to review the application(s) and give each applicant three minutes to make an oral presentation. After all applicants have made their presentation to the Board, the President will ask preapproved questions of all applicants. When presentations are closed, the board shall vote on the nominees.
The Board member responsibilities include, but are not limited to regular meeting attendance and punctuality, submitting agenda items to the committee chair for meetings, reviewing and approving minutes from previous meetings, assuming responsibility for certain activities or projects as appropriate, reviewing supporting materials prior to meetings, and coming prepared to make a thoughtful contribution.
If you are interested, applications are on the Village website or contact the Clerkâs office at 414-645-1530 ext. 0 for an application.
The Village Board recognizes the value of the varied experience of its community members and welcomes their expertise in Village Government. Please note that we are also looking to fill openings on the Plan Commission and the West Milwaukee Community Development Authority.
Pay: Trustees receive $200 per month which includes regularly scheduled Board meetings held twice monthly on the first and third Monday.