W. Greenfield Avenue Reconstruction Project Acquisitions and Temporary Easements

The Village of West Milwaukee will be reconstructing W. Greenfield Avenue from S. 56th Street to Miller Park Way. Construction is scheduled to start in the spring of 2024. To provide the right-of-way necessary for this construction, the Village needs to purchase additional land or easements from some of the property owners whose properties abut the project area. Temporary Easement is permission to enter, easements of a limited duration or time or other similar written permission for the purposes of temporary access, construction, repair or maintenance.

The Village has retained Single Source, Inc., of Brookfield, Wisconsin, to appraise and acquire the needed additional right of way or easements. Please see The Rights of Landowners Under WI Eminent Domain Law  for more information regarding the acquisition process. A survey crew from GRAEF will begin staking the new right-of-way limits in early November 2022, weather permitting. The staking will be done at those locations where the purchase of new land or temporary easements is necessary. It will assist property owners and our acquisition agent in understanding where changes in the right-of-way limits will occur, or where the easement areas will be located. Some of the property right-of-way will be acquired in the form of fee acquisition (permanent land purchase) and some in the form of temporary easements (for restoring driveways or yard areas that will expire upon completion of the project). If you have any questions, feel free to contact Single Source, Inc. Please call Steve Boll, Real Estate Project Manager, at (414)-526-7271, or email steve@single-source-inc.com.

W. Greenfield Avenue Reconstruction Project Acquisitions and Temporary Easements