Front Page

Storm Water Pollution & Car Washes

Storm Water Pollution & Car Washes

During a car wash, harmful debris, motor fluids, and soap are washed off of vehicles. When untreated, these materials may runoff into storm drains and have the potential to cause harm to nearby aquatic environments. Whenever possible, opting for the commercial car wash over the at-home car wash reduces the amount of pollutants entering waterways. Many professional car washes collect their used water, treat it, and recycle it, greatly reducing the amount of freshwater they consume! If you decide to wash your car at home, washing it over the grass is a great way to prevent harmful runoff. If washed on paved surfaces such as driveways and roads, runoff collects pollutants and can flow into waterways. Therefore, washing cars over an unpaved surface such as your lawn and limiting the amount of water used helps to prevent water pollution.

West Allis Senior Center

West Allis Senior Center


If you are a West Milwaukee resident that is 55 or older, you are eligible to be a part of the West Allis Senior Center!

The West Allis Senior Center offers games, crafts, and other supportive programs for a small yearly membership fee. To inquire about memberships or join in on the fun call the Senior Center at 414-302-870.

The Senior Center programs include over 30 classes offered each week along with many special other events. The West Allis Senior Center also supports the nutritional needs of our seniors through several programs.

Click here for more information on all that the senior center has to offer.

West Milwaukee Strong Neighborhoods Program

West Milwaukee Strong Neighborhoods Program

Strong Neighborhoods is an initiative developed by the Village of West Milwaukee to help increase the attractiveness of West Milwaukee housing stock. Strong Neighborhoods aims to work with citizens to invest in them and their homes. The Strong Neighborhoods initiative will assist with residential exterior housing improvements and property maintenance compliance. The new program is financed through a TIF financing law known as the “Affordable Housing Extension” which allows the extension of a TIF to benefit a municipality’s housing stock. Funds for these programs will be available in the form of grants as outlined in State Statute 66.1105. Investing in the Village’s housing stock will result in a ripple effect that will benefit everyone within the Village. Please see the links below for more information.

West Milwaukee Strong Neighborhoods Information Packet

West Milwaukee Strong Neighborhoods Application 

The Village of West Milwaukee is Hiring!

The Village of West Milwaukee is Hiring!

Department of Public Works

The Village of West Milwaukee Department of Public Works is accepting applications for the following jobs:

Equipment Operator/Laborer

Job Description

Job Application

Mechanic/Equipment Operator

Job Description

Job Application

Seasonal Help

Job Description

Job Application


All applications are also available at:

Village of West Milwaukee Clerk’s Office – 4755 W. Beloit Rd. West Milwaukee, WI 53214

Police Department

Police Officer 

The West Milwaukee Police Department is hiring for Entry Level Police Officer or Lateral Entry Police Officer positions. To apply, please complete and return the following documents.

WMPD Officer Application

WMPD Part 1 Personal History

WMPD Part 2 Personal Integrity Questionnaire

WM Authorization for Release of Information

This hiring application requires the applicant to be eligible to enroll in a LESB-approved academy or have successfully completed or currently attending an approved LESB basic recruit academy. Lateral Entry must have current certification.

All application material and/or questions should be sent to the attention Sergeant Anthony Munoz at

The Village of West Milwaukee is an Equal Opportunity Employer. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Village will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities and encourages both perspective and current employees to discuss potential accommodations with the employer.